Lions District 201Q4 Youth Insearch Project.
We appreachiate extra support by way of donations. This is done by contacting the Lions District Treasurer 201Q4. if you donate direct to Youth Insearch it may not be used for this project.
Our Lions District 201Q4 has partnered with Youth Insearch to have 4 Insearch Camps. These camps are extra camps that Insearch would not normally do. Insearch does something like 30 other camps all over. Lions look after the meals and venue costs at our four camps. Youth Insearch provide the counseling, Nurse, and other necessary staff. These four camps cost our Lions District just under $30000.
Our role is in the kitchen preparing meals. There are a lot of meals. Lions District 201Q4 Youth Insearch Camp Chairman Warren Gavin from Cooroy – Pomona Lions Club has done this job for many years and is on top of all the problems. Warren does a great job with all being organized from a few hundred kilometers away. All the meals are of a high standard. There is a cooked breakfast then morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, and a 9pm snack. The kids then go back in until midnight. There is not any time where we are not preparing meals or cleaning up from 5am to 10pm. Everyone puts in maximum effort at these camps. (Including us)
Link for Bundaberg Camps

Youth Insearch is a community organisation that coordinates weekend programs focused on resolving adolescent issues at a peer level for young people aged between 12-17 years.
It is a grass roots, early-intervention program, which works alongside welfare agencies, schools and local police to identify ‘at-risk’ youth that will benefit from the program. We aim to reduce crime, substance abuse, binge drinking and prevent suicide in young people, as well as enhance self-esteem and productivity through empowering youth. Youth Insearch Web Page
Lions Youth Insearch Camps
A key to the success of the program is its peer-to-peer focus where youth who have graduated from the program return to assist and mentor the other young participants through their issues.
Lions District 201Q4 Project Youth Insearch camps are held 24klms south of Bundaberg at the Chaverim outdoor activities and environment centre that belongs to the Shalom Catholic college in Bundaberg.
Camps are held four times a year, the dates for the next camps are to be advised.
Insearch QLD Locations
- Dalby
- Caboolture
- Chinchilla
- Miles
- Roma
- Lockyer Valley
Weekend Workshop location: Duckadang
- Gladstone
- Bundaberg
- Hervey Bay
- Maryborough
Weekend Workshop location: Bundaberg